Personal Training Program

Take your fitness journey to the next level with our small group advanced weightlifting programs. Our personal trainers will guide you three days per week through varying weightlifting and cardio exercises that will shape, build and sculpt your physique. Set and crush your own personal health goals with 24/7 access to your trainer and group members who will push and motivate you to become the best version of yourself possible. FIT Program members have access to all bootcamp classes in addition to their scheduled weightlifting times to supplement their strength training program and drive optimum results.

Interested in our FIT Program?


What is the FIT Program?

This is a small group advanced weight lifting program led by a top certified personal trainer.

How often do I attend classes for the FIT Program?

You will attend FIT Program sessions 3 times per week at a designated time frame reserved just for you.

How do I register for the FIT Program?

We do offer a ONE WEEK FREE TRIAL for our FIT Program if you are interested in trying it out. Please click on your city from the list below and fill out the form. We will reach back out to you right away.

Las Vegas, NV

Austin, TX

Temecula, CA

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